Monday, November 09, 2009

Professional Development: FCASD

The Fox Chapel Area School District had a challenge to meet when it began a technology initiative in 2000. The high school principal, Charles Territo, came up with a plan to meet the challenge from the School Board: How can you guarantee that the funds you're requesting for new computer labs, presentation systems, and laptops will be used effectively."

Jane Mather will share her insights into the program based on her experience as the facilitator for the Professional Education Program (PEP) that was developed to meet the Board challenge. Over the years the program adapted to meet the challenges of Classrooms for the Future and now Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century. However, at each stage the program continued an emphasis on infusing technology into teaching and learning.

Share with Jane your questions about the Fox Chapel Area High School professional development program.


Norton Gusky said...

Melanie Brown -
How you make the key learnings from Fox Chapel available to other schools or districts to scale up the success?

Norton Gusky said...

Melanie Brown -
While it might be easier to identify the gains associated with the technology integration what in your opinion has been lost? What has gotten more challenging? What hasn't improved?

Norton Gusky said...

Erin McClay -
In providing teachers with so many choices in terms of training how did you manage to provide trainers for all of the different courses? Did any teachers participate in online/distance learning opportunities?

Norton Gusky said...

Katy Dugan -
What there pushback from staff? Was it a challenge to change the preconceived notions? How did you overcome the hesitancy of the staff to use new technology? How did you gauge success?

Norton Gusky said...

Katy Dugan -
Can you speak about the pros/cons of implementing a block schedule?

Norton Gusky said...

Caitlin Stuart -
How do you effectively differentiate for reluctant or non-computer users and tech savvy users in professional development?